Pages from our Seabee Journal Scrapbook, featuring photos and letters from the South Pacific during WWII.
Page 2
Air Mail Stamp image

December 30, 1944
Roy Tibbets writing a letter back home. This finds me well and thinking of you often. That is my most enjoyable pasttime. Writing to you every other day is a job that I enjoy very much.

Look how your mail comes to me - uncensored, so you can tell me what you please, but all of my mail is censored. When I start something and end it by "skip it" or "enough said", it is because that part would be cut out or that I can't find the words to explain what I mean. Always remember that, Little One.

I can't explain on paper how much I love and miss you.

Just yours,
January 1, 1945
Today is a new day in a new year. I look forward to being home and to be with you before the end of this year.

Hon, I am sending you $100 in this letter. Please put it in the bank. If you need part of it, use it. The next letter I will send some more. By all means, use that money as you think best because that will be your job for a long time.

You spoke of a . . . "little special delivery". Yes, one or two of those little special deliveries is a part of a happy home. Also helps make life worthwhile. I understand what you meant by "special delivery". The lipstick at the end of your letter looks a bit of all right. Much better in person, tho.

I got a letter from my kid sis, the first one since I left for the service. She asked me a lot of questions about you. All of my folks were very surprised when we were married. I had free booted so long that they had given up hopes for me. I think that Mom was most surprised, in fact I was somewhat surprised myself.

I love my wife very much. Just yours,

January 2, 1945
Giant leaves in New Guinea Darling,

I hope you don't mind a letter each day. If you do, just write and tell me about it, then I will write two a day! This letter will have $90 in it. Please put in the bank with the other. How much do you want me to send tomorrow? Just name it and it shall be yours.

It is very hot and sultry today. Most of the day there has been no breeze to cool one off. I can see the palm leaves move once in awhile. By the way those leaves are from 10 to 15 feet long.

I know this is short, hon, but it can't be helped.

Just yours,

January 8, 1945
How is the most important person in California? Which is you! I should say the most important person in the States. How have the dances been lately? I guess you will have to teach me to dance when I get stateside once more. Roy shows us some of the fruit available in New Guinea.

I went to a show a couple of days ago. All of our shows here are open air. While I was at the show there was one of the most beautiful full moons that I have ever seen. Being out here it was wasted, tho. We got some rain here, but no fog. The heat has been awful lately. When I get to the States I want to get cold once more.

Well Little One, you can't know how much I miss you while I am out here. I have made up my mind that I will treat as good as I know how and love you for the rest of my life. For a fact, this island life has given me a lot of time to think and has also changed me a lot.

The mail service has been bad here lately. I haven't had a letter from you in five days. I sure miss them, too. Maybe tomorrow I will get a couple I hope.

Little One I have to stop this letter and do some chores. If I don't, the MA will be on my neck or some part of me. I love you and miss you more that ever.

Just yours,

January 9, 1945
Seabees military barracks in the South Pacific. What's my wife doing this day and age? I guess you work most of the time. We are going to have a lot of fun when I get back! Taps just sounded, but I am going to finish this letter to you, the most important thing of the day and the only thing that I enjoy on this island, that is, besides getting your letters.

I am glad that you had a good Christmas. Mine wasn't so hot, the worst I've ever had. Next year will be much better.

Got two letters from Mom today. She always tells me to be careful. I told her many times that I can take care of myself, she doesn't believe me, tho.

I have my leave all planned out. That leave will be ours and no one else will be in on it.

Hon, I will have to finish this letter in the morning. I don't feel so hot this evening. It is as hot as, well it is very hot and very uncomfortable. Also, the guys are shooting the bull and I can't think.
[Next morning]
The guys have left for work now and the heat has just begun. It is 0700 and it will be hot until 1900 tonight. Last night I had a dream that I was in a snowstorm and I damn near froze to death. I was enjoying every minute of it, tho. What a life.

Native children in New Guinea during WWII.Just came back from the waterfront. One thing about the waterfront is that there is always a cool breeze.

Some officers in charge of this base have passed a ruling that no natives are allowed in camp. I think that is a good idea. After being out here for a while I will enjoy very much that old fashioned home life. A guy doesn't know how good a place the States is 'til he has lived in New Guinea. A woman with shoes on is one of the first things that I want to see when I hit Frisco. The second thing that I want to see is the road to Bellflower, then you.

If this letter could talk, it would tell you that I love you.

Just yours,
January 12, 1945
Well Darling, I will try to write as interesting a letter as you wrote to me on January 2. Now remember, I said I would try. Today I washed out a dozen pair of socks and six towels. Not bad, for me. I swept the tent and went to the shop and welded for 9 hours. When I came off shift this evening, I had a letter from you. Your letter made the day have a swell ending. It couldn't have been better. Preprinted Air Mail stamp from WWII

I have to go down in a few days and draw a new pair of shoes. This place is hard on clothes of all types.

You wondered what I did New Year's, Hon? I worked from 1700 to 0300. Not much of a New Year's. New Year's is a day before it was in the States. Some 16 hours difference in time between here and the States. We crossed the dateline as we came out here. My thoughts were of you and the future that day.

You asked why the letter took longer to reach you. Well everytime there is a big push somewhere, they use a lot of the planes somewhere else, so mail doesn't come and go as quick. Then there aren't as many planes coming in here as there was. This base is far from the Front now.

Daphne and Roy Tibbets, wedding photo 1944. I am glad that you had a good time New Year's. At least I can hear about you having a good time. I do admit that it makes me feel lonely and somewhat left out when I hear of the good times. For a fact, I do like to hear about them, tho. So please tell me about your good times. Also, I'm somewhat jealous of the guys that you dance with. I guess that is just part of me and I can't help it.

Things are beginning to change around this base now, what way I can't say. It is getting late and I will have to stop. Hon, the love that I have will never falter or die, for a fact. Do you believe me?

Lots of love,

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